Goals - Keep learning new things as l age.
- Learn to paint and write poetry.
- More meaningful play-time with grand child.
Frustrations - Feeling mentally slow and uncreative.
- Doesn't like going to in-person classes.
- Repetitive, menial tasks.
Bill worked as a mail carrier all his life. He started young because he needed a job so that he could get married. After decades of delivering mail around numerous routes around St. Paul he was able to retire. He didn't have any major plans for retirement but loves taking trips and gardening. He always wondered what it would have been like to go to college and study art, poetry, or film anything creative really. He never got the chance in his working life to try creative pursuits. He now wonders if it is too late to learn how to be creative. He is motivated to try some sort of program that would help him learn to be creative. He really wants to make play-time with his grand daughter more meaningful and help encourage her creativity.